Public Fire and Life Safety Educator

Instructional Hours: 24.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.

Course Objective: To provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to organize and teach basic fire safety education in their community and workplace. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to discuss general guidelines for planning successful presentations, what motivates people to learn and how they learn differently, how to select training materials and evaluation instruments, how to work with the media and how to develop public service announcements that will attract attention to the safety message.

Course Description: Major topics covered in this course include evaluation and certification requirements, terms and concepts of learning, motivation and learning, introduction to fire dynamics, fire protection systems, instructional methods, matching instructional methods and educational objectives, presentation methods and preparation, categories of instructional materials, educational materials and learning styles, media and communications, and preparation and delivery. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, learner presentations and small group learning activities.

Successful Completion: Students must attend required classroom sessions, complete all assigned online and classroom activities and homework assignments, demonstrate proficiency in instructional skills, receive a satisfactory evaluation on the final classroom presentation and project.

*Upon successful completion, this course satisfies the professional certification requirements for Fire and Life Safety Educator I.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

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