Stress First Aid for Firefighters and EMS Personnel - Online Version (NFFF)
Instructional Hours: 1.00
Course Objective:To provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to restore health and readiness after a stress reaction.
Course Description: This course teaches a flexible set of tools used to care for stress reactions in firefighters and rescue personnel. The toolkit emphasizes the importance of continuously monitoring the stress of fire and rescue personnel and to quickly recognize and appropriately help individuals who are reacting to stress and are in need of interventions to promote healing. SFA monitors the progress of recovery to ensure a return to full-function. SFA fosters strong leadership and unit cohesion and is individualized to meet the needs of each person in each context. This is a self-paced online course.
.Successful Completion: Students must attend all class sessions and complete required classroom activities.
There are no prerequisites for this course.