Medical Clearance Forms

Forms required for students of MFRI courses which require medical clearance.

MFRI Student Medical Clearance

There is no higher priority for the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute than to provide training in a safe environment for our students and instructors. The purpose of this policy is to provide a means to help ensure that students engaged in training requiring strenuous activity or the use of self-contained breathing apparatus are medically capable of engaging in these activities.

This Policy covers students required to perform activities while using self-contained breathing apparatus or otherwise participate in:

  • Firefighter I (FIRE-101),
  • Firefighter II (FIRE-201),
  • Marine Firefighting for Land-Based Firefighters (FIRE-203),
  • Firefighter Survival and Rescue (FIRE-206),
  • Aircraft Rescue Firefighter (FIRE-230),
  • Hazardous Materials Technician (HM-201),
  • Interior Structural Industrial Fire Brigade Member (IND-222),
  • Rescue Technician: Confined Space Rescue (RES-202),
  • Rescue Technician: Trench Rescue (RES-206),
  • Rescue Technician: Structural Collapse (RES-209),
  • Rescue Technician: Swiftwater Rescue (RES-213),
  • Other programs that may be determined by the Institute to be hazardous or strenuous.

Appendix A - Flow Chart

Student Medical Clearance Policy and Procedure

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Appendix B - Part 1 Information Release Form Part 2 Departmental Verification Form

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Appendix C - Description of Student Duties and Medical Release Form

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Appendix D - Financial Assistance Request

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